Slideshow of Guadalupe Mountains at Sunrise and Sunset
(November 18 & 19, 2020) Just when the bleak landscapes of South Western Texas seemed neverending, we found ourselves in Guadalupe Mountains National Park. Unlike some of the parks we've visited on this trip, there was little warning that we were approaching beauty. It seemed like we reounded a corner in the middle of desolate flatlands, and KA-POW! There was a majestic campground nestled in the juniper trees within beautiful canyon walls. We arrived in the early afternoon, with time to spare for a couple of hikes before we retired to what was clearly a tenter's paradise. The large RV parking lot at the entrance of the campground had nothing on the tent sites dispersed through the terrain, subject to spontaneous mule deer (and unfortunately skunk) visits. We enjoyed a nice sunset while chasing off an agressive stinker who was very interested in dog food, narrowly avoiding spray, but the real beauty to behold was in the sunrise.
